"KinematografiaShqiptare". "FilmaShqiptare". "Kinostudio Shqiperia e re". "Albanian Cinematography". Albanian Cinematography & Scene Art: LAZER FILIPI (1921 - 2016) | THE LEGEND OF ALBANIAN ACTING


Tuesday, December 15, 2020



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 #AlbanianCinematographySceneArt   #KinematografiaShqiptare   #LazarFilipiActor


Lazer Filipi (1921 - 2016)

Merited artist, actor, director and screenwriter. Tha Albanian "Lenin"!

Born on February 7, 1921 in Shirq of Shkodra. The wide cultural life of the Shkodra will make him fall in love with the theater from an early age, since he was a student at the school "28 Nentori" playing in small theatrical plays staged by his teacher, prominent writer and patriot Milosh Gjergj Nikolla (Migjeni). The most impressive performances for him at that time would be the parts "Ruba e kuqe " and "Ali Pasha Tepelena dhe Suljotet" staged by the cultural societies "Rozafa" and "Vllaznia". In 1938 he left Shkodra in the direction of Tirana. The occupation of the country by the Italian fascists will make him join the anti-fascist movement to fight the enemy with weapons in hand. But he does not forget the theater either. Thus, with the organization of the Antifascist Youth Theater in 1943, in More of Kruja, he will play his first role, which was also the main role in the part "Kryengritje shqiptare" conceived and staged by Kolec Ilia.


With the continuation of the war, the artistic life also passes into the background, but after the Congress of Përmet, another theatrical group called "Priska Group" would be created in which Lazër Filipi would take an active part together with the People's Artist, Naim Frashëri.  With this group will be staged "Nena" of Fatmir Gjata, "Burgu" and "Partizani". The drama "Partizani", a three-act drama, would be the play selected on the occasion of the Independence Day on November 28, 1944, performed for seven consecutive nights, being the first play in Tirana and then in liberated Albania. At the end of the war he entered the drama school in addition to engaging in the theater group. In April 1945 he will take part in the first Festival of Amateur Groups with the role of Maxhordom in the French part "Topazi". He will play this role in the inaugural performance of the People's Theater (today the National Theater) on May 30, 1945, being one of the founders of this Theater.


In 1947 he left for Zagreb to study acting but the break with the Yugoslavs would make him continue his studies and finish in 1950 in the Czech Republic. Upon returning to his homeland after his studies, Lazër Filipi will give art lovers a whole gallery of roles that will make him beloved by the public. Here we can single out the role of Lenin in the drama "Kremlin`s Hours" by N. Pogodin, a role for which he was awarded in November 1957 with the First Prize of the Republic. The role of Uncle Shazo in the drama "The Fisherman's Family" by Sulejman Pitarka (People's Artist), the role of Clark in "Arturo Ui" by Bertold Brecht, the role of Ophelia's father in Shakespeare's drama "Hamlet", etc. In 1977 he retired but his engagement with the theater would continue. Thus in 1991 he will create the theatrical troupe "Tirana" with which he will interpret the plays "The Fate of a Refugee", "Napoleon Bonaparte" by Alexander Moisiu where he plays the role of Napoleon Bonaparte, "Ali Pasha Tepelena" where he plays the role of Ali Pasha. This last role will be interpreted in the tour that this theater company held in Kosovo in 2005 where in the city of Gjilan he would be awarded the Special Prize for his artistic merits. At the National Theater he would return to Ruzhdi Pulaha's part "Shelter of the Forgotten (Streha e te harruarve)" in May 2004.

His roles in cinematography have been numerous. Thus in 1958 he will be one of the actors who will play in the first entirely Albanian film "Tana". Other roles would continue, such as the role of Uncle Shazos in the film "Oshetimë në Bregdet" in 1966, the role of Ropi, a Party official, in the film "Kapedani" in 1972, the role of Shaqo Bregu in the film “Ne fillim te veres"in 1976 for which he would be honored with a Special Prize at the 1st Albanian Film Festival held from 5 to 11 April 1976 in Tirana, the role of Dash Cungeli in the film "Shembja e idhujve /  Collapse of Idols " in 1977 etc. His most recent role will be in 2009, the role of Lazar Korita in the movie "Ne dhe Lenini / We and Lenin". For his artistic merits, in the interpretation of more than 80 roles in theater and cinematography, Lazër Filipi has been awarded the high title "Merited Artist". He passed away at the age of 95 on December 16, 2016.


2009 -- Ne dhe Lenini (Llazar Korita)

2000 -- Tradhëti bashkëshortore (Kamarieri)

1991 -- Enigma

1989 -- Balada e Kurbinit (Këshilltari i Vuhan Pashait)

1988 -- Misioni përtej detit (Prifti)

1987 -- Në emër të lirisë (Elmazi)

1984 -- Koha nuk pret (Film TV) Mallzëmi

1983 -- Një emër midis njerëzve (Nazmiu)

1980 – Nusja (Sadik Alia)

1977 – Këshilltarët (Mitrua)

1977 -- Shembja e idhujve (Dash Cungeli)

1976 -- Pylli i lirisë (Prifti)

1975 -- Në fillim të verës (Shaqo Bregu)

1974 – Shpërthimi

1972 – Kapedani (Ropi, funksionar partie)

1972 – Ndërgjegjja (Drejtori)

1969 -- Përse bie kjo daulle (Drejtori)

1966 -- Oshëtimë në bregdet (xha Shazua)

1959 – Furtuna (xha Demiri)

1958 -- Tana



-- /--/ 2005 -- “Napoleon Bonaparti” e Aleksandër Mojsiut - Napoleon Bonaparti

-- /05/2004 -- “Streha e të harruarve” e Ruzhdi Pulahës

-- /-- /2003 -- “Ali Pashë Tepelena” - Ali Pashë Tepelena

24/03/1974 -- “Familja e Peshkatarit” e Sulejman Pitarkës (Artist i Popullit) - Xha Shazua

28/11/1973 -- “Prefekti” by Besim Lëvonjës (Artisti i Merituar)

24/01/1973 -- “Sinjali i kuq” by Bashkim Kozelit

04/03/1971 -- “Arturo Ui” by Bertold Brehtit - Klarku

13/02/1969 -- “Shokët” by Bashkim Kozelit

21/01/1968 -- “Heronjtë e Linasit” by Sulejman Pitarkës (Artist i Popullit)

07/03/1967 -- “Cuca e Maleve” by Loni Papës

12/11/1966 -- “Përkolgjinajt” by Kolë Jakovës

12/07/1965 -- “Ljubov Jarovaja” by Konstandin Tranjevit

27/03/1965 -- “Roje nën llampat e neonit” by Shen Shi-Men and  Lu Shin Cenit

16/02/1964 -- “Tre ditët e kjametit” by Luan Qafëzezit

16/03/1963 -- “Banorët e shkallës nr. 6” by Kin Dushit

09/01/1963 -- “Qeni i kopshtarit” by Lope de Vegës

13/01/1962 -- “Zonja e Bujtinës” e Karlo Goldonit

22/06/1961 -- “Dhelpra dhe rrushtë (Ezopi)” e Guilherme Figueiredoas

24/06/1960 -- “Hamleti” i Shekspirit - Babai i Ofelisë

21/06/1958 -- “Mashenka” e A.N Afinogenovit

03/11/1957 -- “Orët e Kremlinit” e e N.Pogodinit - Lenini

26/11/1956 -- “Çështje familjare” e Ezhi Ljutovskit

23/02/1946 -- “Martesa” e Gogolit

30/12/1945 -- “Rrugaçi” e K. Nases - Vasili

24/09/1945 -- “Dashnori-Gjido” by Gogol

30/05/1945 -- “Topazi” - Maxhordomi

-- /-- /1944 -- “Burgu”

-- /05/1944 -- “Nëna”

28/11/1944 -- “Partizani”

-- /-- /1943 -- “Kryengritje Shqiptare”


“19 ditë” by Fadil Paçramit (as/regjisor)

21/01/1968 -- “Heronjtë e Linasit” e Sulejman Pitarkës (Artist i Popullit)




1974 -- Shpërthimi


“Dashuria që u mbijetoi flakëve”

“Nënë Tereza”





Merited Artist

2008  - Special Price for the interpretation of the role of Ali Pasha Tepelena in the drama "Ali Pasha Tepelena" in Gjilan.

April 11, 1976  - Special Price for the interpretation of the role of Shaqo Bregu in the movie "Ne fillim te veres" at the 1st Albanian Film Festival held in Tirana from 5 to 11 April 1976.

November 1957  - 1st Prize of the Republic for the interpretation of the role of Lenin in the drama "Kremlin Hours" by N. Pogodin.


Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography and Encyclopedia, Albanian Theater and Cinematography, as well as a selection of news from various Albanian online newspapers 2003 - 2007 . #AlbanianCinematographySceneArt 2013-2020


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