"KinematografiaShqiptare". "FilmaShqiptare". "Kinostudio Shqiperia e re". "Albanian Cinematography". Albanian Cinematography & Scene Art: FATMIR XHELILI | THE STARS OF ALBANIAN SCENE!


Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 #AlbanianCinematographySceneArts   #FatmirXhelili   #AlbanianComicActor    #TeatriBylisFier

FATMIR XHELILI (1951 - 2020)

Actor of “Bylis” comedy theater

Born in Selenice, Vlora, on December 23. He graduated from electrical  school in 1965. He worked as an electrician at the Ballsh oil plant. His talents as a comic actor appeared in the activation in the Amateur Movement of the city of Fier and in the theater "Bylis" with some dramatic secondary roles. In 1982 he was accepted as a professional actor in the Fier Variety Troupe where he continued until 2020. 


Despite the desire to act in drama, he has the greatest career in comedy. It was the director Pellumb Kulla who gave him the first role in the comedy entitled "English Shoes". Natural and subtle in humor, pervading among banalizing forms with an expressive eye and good stage adaptation, he created a host of figures, such as the mayor of "Servet beu jep zgjidhje", the writer in "Shkrimtari ne kullen e tij" , arixhiu in "Plakemi me hallet e botes" beu ne "Fshatari dhe kadiu" etj. In addition to acting in the literary dramatic genres of variety theater such as short comedy, sketch, monologue, dialogue, etc., his talent was complemented and further inspired by the inspiration given to some characters in the comedy genre, such as: Llomovi in ​​ Chekhov's “Engagement / Fejes” (1995); Bushi in "Mire beri qe vdiq" (2002) by Ilir Bezhani; Bufi in "Zi e me zi"; Koci in "Vellezeri me interes"; Legeni in "Akraballeqet", three comedies by Kristo Flloqi united in one show (2004). His most notable achievement was the role of the prisoner in Neil Simon's "Prisoner of the 15th Floor" (2007); "Two dozen roses", "A half-fool", Also in the dramas "The Shoping", "Unforgettable years", "Neighbors", some of which directed by Serafin Fanko, Dhimitër Orgocka, Gëzim Kamës, etc. For 46 years in a row, he has performed alongside big names like Fuat Boçi, Luftar Paja, Hajrie Rondo etc. Fatmir Xhelili has interpreted during his career about 180 roles in drama and comedy, where he was awarded 4 first prizes as the best actor. He passed away on November 20, 2020 after being infected with Covid-19. 


Selection of news from the Albanian newspaper "on line" Albanian Encyclopedia, Theater and Cinematography / Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni / p. 544-545 December 2020

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